„Talk with Fatal“ is an exciting and inspiring YouTube show where Fatal Flash has candid conversations with amazing people from around the world. In each episode, Fatal invites a unique guest to his show whose story, achievements, or experiences are worthy of attention. They may be successful entrepreneurs, public figures, artists, athletes, writers, or people who have been able to overcome incredible odds and achieve impressive results. „Talk with Fatal“ brings out the essence of guests‘ stories through in-depth conversations about life, goals and overcoming challenges. Tips, motivation and inspiration help viewers overcome their own obstacles and strive for a better version of themselves.

15.09.2023 Fatal in his show will Talk with Queer Commissioner City of Berlin – Alfonso Pantinsano.

Subscribe to „Talk with Fatal“ on YouTube and dive into fascinating stories that prove the impossible becomes possible.

The door is open at 18:00

Start in 19:00

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